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I love this gen designs

No.41126665 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>most of designs have that "european medieval monster" feel
>goblins trolls-ish guys
>BEST pseudolegend dragon next to Tyranitar and Garchomp
>a lot of badass designs
>a lot of unique out of the box designs (lets make interesting Farfetch'd and dont evolve Mouth but give him gremlin look and lets attach fucking PLANE to amphybian body oh yeah and it shoots rocket-babies) while not being outright shitty/too weird
damn this gen has some of the most badass designs.
Pokemon needed that because its always either EDGY or LOLCREEPY
but not badass like SKULL OCTOPUS or TINY CAT-VIKING.

im so going to train them to 100lvl and shiny hunt most of them!