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Game Freak 1998

No.41144306 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gold and Silver started development in early 1996 after Red and Green were ready for sale and were announced by summer that year.

During Space World in 1997, they announced a release date of March 29, 1998 (pic related), which never materialized.

A public apology was published on the Nintendo Japan website:

In it, it is explained that adding the new content and making a good experience out of it is taking longer than expected and that the developers (remember that only 4 people programmed the game like in Red and Green) were becoming ill due to overwork.

Game Freak was also asked to localize Red and Green for a Western release, which was announced at E3. They later revealed on their website that they paired Red with Blue to satisfy Americans and their patriotism for their red and blue flag.

After Gold and Silver was delayed, Yellow was announced barely a month later, which also bought them time to work on Gold and Silver. If you look at Yellow closely, it's a hybrid with backported changes.

In the end, the delay allowed Game Freak to finish and polish the game. Despite the flaws it nonetheless has, it was the epitome of classic Pokémon.

Should they be allowed to delay games again?