>>41144411Checked af but also, I've been literally spamming this shit from the start, while retards argued "ETS LIEK SWEEETCHING HURRR"
Even fucking smogon feels the cancer from this stupid garbage, and they refused to ban problematic legends from OU for almost a fucking decade.
I'm so fucking happy people finally understand how bad this situation really is, but it doesn't really do much when VGC is actively gonna allow D-maxing anyways, and to add literal salt on the wound, the only literal viable Gmax mon is fucking Lapras because at least it can set up veils without weather and then set up both 2 types of weather and electric terrain, but it then can't run general stat boosting moves after meaning it's prime defog or court change bait. VGC is gonna be such a fucking mess of who dynamaxes Excadrill or Ferro first since both have the literal best arsenal to abuse max moves with in the first year, and then who Dmaxes their legacy legends they #Gotinaraid in the next 2 and not a single soul will enjoy any of it.
At least i can skip this shitfest's online like the plague, which is pretty cool, but man, watching Zacian set up misty terrain plus attack and def boosts for both it and its doubles partner while eviscerating the opponent does not sound fun
>>41145943AV T-tar? Ya can just kinda counter nuke while tanking most things due to the +2 to sp def due to sand and AV, albeit gengar can get a +3 boost with just spamming max poison so fuck if i know