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No.41208764 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>follows scummy buinsess practices like selling 2 copies of the the same to boost sales
>resells the same game with minor updates a few years later
>REFUSES to patch their games with extra content, creating some situations where you need to buy the new game to keep playing online (XY to ORAS and SM to USUM)
>has consistently been cutting features and ignoring fan feedback
>constantly panders to Genwunners, a subset of people who don't even play Pokemon anymore, let alone like it
>outright lied to their audience about reusing assets
>also lied to their audience about the game's content and who the game was for
>game will fucking brick your console and wipe all your data

>despite ALL OF THIS people will still defend them to the death
Is Pokemon a cult? Has any other company been so shitty for so long and still maintained a rabid fanbase who will attack those who speak out against the company?