*Wild Area is a brilliant idea, I'm actually mad they half assed it and didn't just replace the routes all together (as you'll see in cons)
*Character and Pokemon designs are great across the board
*Soundtrack is excellent as always
*New QoL changes for competitive are great.
*Exp candies reduce tedium drastically
*Ignoring Dexit and Gamefreak's bullshit, this game is buggy as fuck. I've had so much stuttering and freezing it's unreal
*Game is fucking easy. Way too fucking easy. Exp share should have definitely been toggleable and even that might not have solved the problem. Barely any trainers have 3+ mons and even the ones that do are pushovers. The AI is really stupid.
*Worst routes in the history of the series. They're somehow more linear than S/M's curvy lines. There is nothing to explore or side areas to see. Go down hallway and press A to advance.
*Story is shit. It's like a rehash of XY's but the villain motivation is somehow even dumber.
*Way too short. By far the shortest Pokemon game and this is the thing that makes me regret spending $60. Not even postgame content to do.
Overall 4/10. If they ironed out the bugs and made it a bit harder and added some postgame I could bump it up to a 6. Better than XY and RB but worse than everything else in the series.