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No.41217799 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>buy it for shits and giggles and maybe post caps to complaim here
>assume it's gonna be shit and kill my switch so I take out my sd and do a digital download
>7 hours later and man, I was wrong, this game is comfy as fuck with the wild area and uk theme

Aside from the 300 cut mons I've seen no issues at all even, I get no lag and barely even noticed the shitty textures ( asie from the water ) that everyone points out. Still waiting for that brick, is it just happening to old systems or what? I have no idea what everyone is mad about.
>mfw /vp/ was wrong ( me included ) and I'm statting to think this brick thing is a false flag, similar things happened when botw came out and there wasn't this much drama on /v/