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Post ITT if you have not bought a single Pokémon after B/W2

No.41218067 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you bought X and Y or anything past that, you are directly responsible for the current state of this franchise and responsible for Sword and Shield.

Calling all disenfranchised chads here who had the IQ and foresight to stop supporting Shit Freak 7 years ago. Let's talk about our experiences and how we came to the conclusion that Pokémon GENUINELY died at Ge 6 (Not the meme kneejerk child reactions of Gens 3-5, which was unironically the peak of Pokémon during the DS era).

I remember visiting /vp/ only 1 time briefly during the month of SuM€o's release to see the datamine leaks, and all I could do was shake my head and ignore the rest of that gen in its entirety. This gen has been pretty entertaining to keep track of though considering just how much worse it has gotten, it is Fallout 76 levels of entertaining with all the shit that gets uncovered with each passing day.

Oh, and it should be obvious by now, but no kalosperms allowed. Ignore them.