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CYOV [CYOA] — "The People of the Region of Galar v. Pol T. Geist" (2019)

!PM597lkh2g No.41226886 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Second time's a charm lol
>『Choose Your Own A̶d̶v̶e̶n̶t̶u̶r̶e Verdict』

"Alright, alright. I know, I know, I'm late," says the slightly-venerable Judge Rillaboom as he moseys onto the set, a cup of coffee in hand. "Wouldn't want to upset the investors, right? Those precious, precious, annually-appeased with the lowest modicum of effort salary men. You can't even delay a piece of shit without setting them off—without them demanding to know why you staunchly refuse to discharge your yearly November excrement on time."

A cough in the audience stirs him out of his bitter delusion.

"Sorry, that was disgusting," he slumps into his seat, overlooking the courtroom with indifference as he takes a purposefully elongated sip of coffee. "Okay, I'm good. Send in the next pair of retards."

>『Respond with a vote with the letter corresponding to your choice. The option with the most votes wins and continues the story. Ties are randomized if they occur.』
>『(You) are the....』
A) Plaintiff
B) Plaintiff's attorney