>>41228530>Pokemon has never had good graphicsUp until Gen 6, each game has been pretty comparable visually with other games on the system.
Gen 1 looked like a fairly standard GB game.
Gen 2 looked like a reasonable looking GBC game.
Gen 3 looked like a fine looking GBA game.
Gen 4 looked like a fine looking DS game.
Gen 5... is a bit ugly in some ways, but that's it moving into more 3D environments. It's pretty on par with other DS games.
then Gen 6 comes out, it's not great looking, but the performance is also miserable at times, and it's like the first 3DS game I could think of that ran so poorly that you couldn't just enable 3D all the time
and Gen 7 doesn't exactly fix anything
and now Gen 8 looks like a 3DS game running in higher resolution with shinier lighting (and terrible pop in, which hasn't been a problem before)
>has never had a good storyPokemon's story has also never been this bad. The stories were already mediocre, and now we've got a bad story.
>Incelswhat does this even mean
is it just that getting laid or having a girlfriend means you don't play Pokemon
because first hand, that's wrong
>its been extremely hand holdy for like 6 years straightand it's shit
it was shit six years ago, and it's still shit
>>41228406>impossibly high standards?...is expecting the second highest selling game franchise in the world to have any amount of budget or staff behind its product impossibly high?