>>41244102Assuming Gloria is 14
Beginning of the day
>clean and soapy. Probably just showedAfternoon
>Assuming she’s had a traditional English breakfast, beans, sausage, eggs, safe to assume she’s let out a couple of farts by now. Been walking for a few hours so definitely a little sweaty down there. I’d say her butthole by now smells a little meaty and sour. Depending on her shampoo, probably still a little hint of mint lavender.>EveningBy this time it’s safe to assume she’s let out quite a few Braps, probably too a shit and has eaten lunch, most likely curry. Plus by this time, her panties must be very sweaty, depending on the temperature. Depending on how well she wiped (assuming she only used TP) strong hint of shit, a little nuttiness, beefy and Spicy, sweaty aftertones, and again, depending on her shampoo, the slightest hint of honey oats and milk
>NightAssuming she’s a health girl with a steady diet, she’s had dinner and pooped at least twice. Shampoo smell is all gone. Lots of curry farts trapped in her panties, and they must be drenched in sweat. Strong musky, dried sweat smell, oaky and strong poop smell, very spicy and a defined curry smell, you can make out what was in the curry.
This was fun. I’m willing to analyze more pokégirls