[24 / 7 / ?]
2013>this is their first time making 3d games, cut them some slack, the next entries are gonna be kino now that HOENN CONFIRMED 2014>Well, it's a remake anyway, who cares, they're already focusing on making gen 7 the most kino in existence. 2016>just wait for the third version, pokemon stars will fix all the issues 2017>Well the gen is almost over, just wait for gen 8, it'll be kino for sure 2018>these games are not for you, retard, be happy they're making a game specifically for the casuals in order to make sure that gen 8 is enjoyable for long time fans 2019>just wait for the sinnoh remakes, bro, they'll redeem this gen. When will you learn?
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I was a retard and bought the Sun/Moon steelbook. Feels good that I never bought ultra sun/moon, Let's Go, or Swsh.
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>>41271647 But anon, you didn't hear? They just rushed this game to focus on the Sinnoh remakes. The Sinnoh remakes are gonna be pure kino, just you wait!
>>41271647 Pokemon is the Call of Duty of Nintendo. It's just got a free pass for years because it's targeting children and weebs that gives good review to anything anime.
The ghost of the past always come back
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>>41271647 We're never going to get a good Pokemon game ever again. Their target audience isn't us or even kids. They just want braindead normies to consume their games.
>tfw you realize this series is doomed to be stuck in a downward spiral of substandard quality
>>41273929 Our only hope is that they end up making a game so bad that not even normies will buy it. If they lose their sales numbers, they'll be forced to make something better for once.
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>>41274031 as if that's ever gonna happen, they'd have to get rid of KAAAANTOOOOOOO and CH-CH-CHARIZAAAARD pandering
>>41274031 If SwSh failed to be that game already, we have no hope. The shock of all the cutting and comparison to the previous game was about as good as it could be. The next game normies are already broken into the idea of the dex cuts and everything else, so it won't be controversial anymore. And that's exactly what GF's goal probably was.
>>41274031 And even if that happens, GF would see it as a confirmation people don't care about big Pokemon games anymore and stop working on Pokemon.
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>>41274200 >>41274237 So... we're fucked pretty much either way?
...it wasn't supposed to be like this bros...
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>>41274200 It's a grim thought that from now on, no mainline game will ever contain all pokemon anymore and will have less gameplay and more bastardisation of the gameplay to accomodate normies.
>>41271647 >2013 >>this is their first time making 3d games And yet XY still look better than Sword and Shield.
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>>41274432 it'd be funny if it wasn't sad
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>>41273984 OK shills
Get fun in the battle frontier and in SwSh postgame
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Oh boy.... I remember shit like pic related and>ORAS was shit because Masuda is the man behing the curtain! Ohmori will save pokemon!
>>41271647 Kyogrefags btfo
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>>41274729 more like Kysogrefags
>>41271647 i really enjoyed sumo so gen 7 was a good step up then gen 8 dived into a dumpster
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>>41274842 keep your shit opinions to yourself, they're both garbage bin games
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>>41271789 >pokemon >nintendo love this meme