>>41289111I've been rotating a lot as well. I like Sirfetch'd, Flapple, an Eiscue I got in a trade, my Inteleon, Toxtricity, Coalassol as my main galar mons. Also training Cufant, Corviknight, Drednaw, Obstagoon, Weezing, Dottler, and Impidimp I got in a raid. Also just picked up that Mr. Mime and he's my new fav after Sirfetch'd. Also gonna start training a Scorbunny I think. As for non galar mons I like too many... Snorunt, Stunky, Umbreon, Corphish, Shiftry, Manetric, Dusclops, Drapion, Drilbur, Hitmonchan to name my mains atm.