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No.41319310 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>be a long long time player and fan
>buy SwSh on release day
>legitimately have fun and like the game despite its shortcomings
>playing in wild area while recording
>game suddenly crash
>post it on Twitter to laugh with my friends
>suddenly it gets popular and some dexcels post mocking response thinking I'm criticizing the game
>Pokémon Internet Defense Force kicks in
>my Twitter is suddenly invaded by people calling me a pirate and a cheater
>I try to explain my position but that only makes things worse
>now I'm apparently a dexcels /vp/ apologist and Pokémon hater
>all because the game that crashed was mine and not their
Fuck this shit, I heard for years that the Pokémon community was one of the most toxic out there without understanding why. I had legitimately fun but now there's people spamming under every new tweets how I am an hater and a troll.
Why the bought community has to be so utterly braindead and toxic?