>>41347579Really depends on how much you like the wild area and the current dex. Anyone I know who is enjoying it has the best time running around there, yet while the wild area makes that experience you can't help but notice the dexcut only harms it.
>Graphics and animation 4/10Very small improvement, not an impressive game on the system. Models are clearly reused, so were animations. The dex cut did not even produce a noticeable improvement, never mind the significant one required. General issues like draw distance are a constant. Overall it has a saturated look.
>Gameplay Battling, 8/10 it is pokemon but with a new gimmick and less choice. Raid battles are legit fun and GF not introducing more varied battles throughout the game is a constant mistake. The rest of the gameplay, 3/10. World design has gone to shit, only a few areas stand out and overall there is just less to it. If you just want to play the story then it is bad.
>Story 1/10One of the worst in the series. 95% pointless filler with SM tier interruptions, 5% almost nonsensical motivations. Marnie and Yell are completely irrelevant and should really have been cut. Hop is Hau minus, Bede gets cut from the game.
>QoL improvements 9/10More was done right here than wrong, the bad points are step backs which could easily be fixed. When it feels like stuff is smoother it is great, when it feels like they just cut options it isn't.
>Post game 3/10And that 3 is if you really, really like raids. Outside that the game has the worst battle facility in the series. Again, all relies on the wild area.