I will say this once and only once. Sword and Shield are selling well, they will sell crazily. What will actually matter are how the next games sell. Just like with The Last Jedi, we only saw the impact later. Perhaps the dislike of the game will trickle down to the normies and kids, perhaps the new YouTube policy which will get rid of a lot of content creators will have an impact on the exposure of children to the series and therefore sales. Anyone arguing about these sales being anything other than good are being silly. Equally so are the people saying that this BTFOs people. It means nothing about the quality of the game, just like the reviews. Pokemon always sells well. As for my opinion, I’d wager that there is a possibility that the controversy will impact sales in the future. Perhaps the factor that helped the series rise to popularity: word of mouth, may be the factor that will lead to its decline in popularity too if they aren’t careful. That’s assuming Pokemon fans actually have a backbone to skip the games though. But imo if it stays popular, the game will always sell well as long as it has the core: catching and battling, this is why GO did so well.