>>41369182>Then you're an even bigger retard than he is.The quintessential single digit IQ response to getting blown the fuck out lmao
>The post shown explicitly talked about retention.The post shown was cope posting and as I've already said to your brainlet ass, I addressed his dogshit post as well. Judging by how desperately you're trying to defend it though I'm starting to think that post was yours because the other guy seems to have disappeared and you're sat here desperately defending him and getting BTFO in his place.
>I don't know why you're going on about "best sales" like it means anything.The best sales don't mean anything? Who the fuck are you trying to kid you assruined shitskin LMAO. Listen to yourself, that level of coping runs deep, it's blatantly obvious these sales numbers have wounded you after you put so much effort into your failed boycott.
>Unless you're seriously trying to suggest a sequel selling less than its predecessor is somehow a good thing.It didn't sell less. It objectively sold more. You're sat here outright ignoring that time and time again Switch sales have proven to be moving more and more into the digital spectrum, digital sales account for over 40% of sales on the Switch. The 3DS had an 11% digital buyer ratio.
You also have tried to ignore the fact that these sales are counting the double pack of Sword and Shield as a single sale, which we can factually gauge from the COMG pre-order sales chart that this would add at bare minimum another 220 thousand sales to the Switches physical sales. Not even counting other retailers in who sold the double pack.
So try again tranny, I've just woke up 2 hours ago, I've got more than enough time to embarrass the ever loving shit out of you.