>>41405900As a child/teen she was a spoiled rich girl that became yandere after meeting young Prof. Mohn and spending years stalking and obsessing over him without ever actually interacting with him. Eventually Mohn noticed her, figured out what her deal was and decided to make her his wife just to see where things ended up. This was too much Chad energy for Lusamine's yandere princess brain so her craziness overflowed so much that she became an excellent, but overprotective and overly smothering wife and mother. When Mohn fucked up and got sucked into a dimensional rift, Lusamine couldn't handle it and her yandere brain broke, causing her to take over wormhole research and double down on smothering and hovering over her kids. Lillie and Gladion, who have gotten completely fed up with their Mom, noticed that she's a bit crazy in the head and treats non-family like tools or slaves. The kids use this as their excuse to run away from home with Type: Null and Cosmog, which were being used by Lusamine to help gain access to Ultra Space and deal with any alien threats that may live there. With the loss of her husband and rebellion of her children, Lusamine breaks completely, decides to rip open the dimensional boundaries between worlds and leave everything that isn't Mohn to burn to the ground while she jumps into the rift by herself, hoping to end up where Mohn is.
In the end, Lusamine in her mindbroken state ends up attracting every Nihilego and it's mother and ending up possessed by/fused with one, until Lillie drags the MC to help chase after Lusamine just so she can tell her off.
And that's my attempt at salvaging the vanilla SM Aether Family plot.