>Brock = bro
because he travelled with Ash for so long
>Misty = fist
because she was always hitting Ash
>Lt. Surge = Sexual urge
he was an American soldier in a Japanese region so he was probably a serial rapist
>Erika = airy car
she was going to be a Flying type gym leader but her name was misheard as ‘Erika’ and there wasn’t enough time for them to fix it
>Koga = cog-a
cogs are metal and metal is sick, hence the Poison type
>Sabrina = Sabrina
Sabrina the Teenage Witch was Masuda’s Mary Sue so he made sure she got to be the Psychic leader, as they were the strongest type in gen 1
>Blaine = b-lame
his legs don’t work which is why he has his walking stick
>Giovanni = gee, you’re funny (in a Russian accent)
he is an Italian mob boss and as such the Russian mafia look down on him as inferior, finding his self importance funny
i have the bgigest braine in this ITT