I'm finally on the last leg of dex completion that absolutely requires trading.
FT: Lotad/Ludicolo, Applin with Sweet Apple, Spritzee with Sachet (touch trade), G. Corsola, Rhydon with Protector, Solosis, Shelmet for Karrablast, Vullaby/Mandibuzz, Sableye, Oranguru, Drampa, Lunatone, G. Ponyta, Snom, Eiscue (in Wave ball), Deino, Sliggoo, Rotom, Riolu
LF: Seedot/Shiftry, Flapple/Sour Apple, Slurpuff/Swirlix holding Whipped Dream, Rhyperior (touch trade), Gothita, Shelmet for Karrablast (touch trade), Rufflet/Braviary, Mawile, Passimian, Solrock, Turtonator, G. Darumaka, Stounjourner, Hakamo-o line
I can also breed HA Hatenna in a Heal ball and Impidimp in a Dusk ball if you would prefer those.
Stats don't matter for me, I just want the shiny charm.