>>41476111Its the move Fishious Rend. Base 85 power, doubles power if you go first, and is boosted by its Strong Jaw.
Its insane on him specifically because even though the Arctovish gets the same move its MUCH too slow and doesn't have good enough attack to use it well and Arctozolt gets the electric variant Bolt Beak but has the same problems. Dracozolt has Bolt Beak as well as a similar stat spread, but where it falters is that Electric is too resisted by common threats now, and doesn't have a consistent boosting field condition like Rain. Ferrothorn and Excadrill especially give it a hard time
Another boon it has is the decent typing of Dragon/Water, and Fishious Rend being boosted by Rain, letting it 2HKO even Ferrothorn and Toxapex with MAX Def and HP investment if its running Choice Band, and they can barely do jack shit in return. Don't even get me started on how much it shits on Corsola in rain.