[133 / 9 / ?]

36KiB, 810x400, how-to-get-dragapult-in-pokemon-sword-and-shield.jpg
Quoted By: >>41495214 >>41495726 >>41495830 >>41496087 >>41496250 >>41496586 >>41496611 >>41496728 >>41497709 >>41497841 >>41498254 >>41498683 >>41498701 >>41499543 >>41499862
Literally no physical moves whatsoever
>muh special specs set
In what fucking planet is 100 base special attack good? This isn't gen IV. This thing misses out on so many KOs that it's crazy.
You're better off using Hydreigon.
>muh special specs set
In what fucking planet is 100 base special attack good? This isn't gen IV. This thing misses out on so many KOs that it's crazy.
You're better off using Hydreigon.