>>41520948There's only so many copies you can sell though which is ultimately hard locked by the number of consoles sold. Sure, some people would be willing to buy a new console solely because the newest Pokemon game is as ballin' as possible but people who aren't Pokemon or Nintendo fans aren't likely to change their mind now of all times for what's ultimately a kids' game. Beyond just raw sales it would also put Gamefreak in a pickle. Masuda said it himself when he told people not to get their expectations too high, setting the bar higher would only serve to put more pressure on themselves for the next game. No AAA developer wants to make good games, they want to make profits and time and time again we've seen the results. Gamefreak already owns somewhere around a third of the franchise, why bother trying when you practically already make infinite money?
It doesn't help that the whole franchise is run rather poorly and a lot of the important decisions are made by detached corporate suits but that's a whole different issue.