G-Darmaniatan (Zen)
Only used 3 Mons active mons for the Gym Challenge that i cycled as to never outlevel the enemy trainers, used my favorites of what i used for it for the final League and only filled out 5 slots, but i felt i got good enough coverage.
Starter got boxed the second i caught a Rookiedee.
Early Game: a incredibly overleveled Bolthund, that only got to do raids because level fucking 60 before the first Gym.
Post-Game: Obstagon (if hosting, G-Max breaking two shield bars is better then Dynamax Cannon and the Behemoth moves if someone else brings either of those IMO), Eternatus, Zacian, Zamazenta if i don't host The usual suspects.
I also did the League Tourney a few times with the Giganta-Meowth for money and then again with Obstagon, the Legendaries, Toxtricitry and Appletun for Title Screen flair (Last team you beat the League Tourney with is what is showcased).