rate me (no pre-evo, no leg, no myt)
a bunch of "feminine" mon + krok
cool af 10/10, i guess you're calm and delicate
reshiram is also my favorite dragon if counting legendaries
i see that you like cute-bro mon, all those pre-evo are fucking great. buizel is cute and comfy af. you're comfy and bro-like
epic to cute type of person. you like epic pokemon like suicune, golisopod, hyd, glis, etc but you're also into cute tiny things, i appreciate that
you're more into "masculine" pokemon, or may i say, more offensive looking pokemon. bunny and syl there shaking up a little bit. but i still see syl and lop as offensive and strong inside type of pokemon
you like pokemon with flawless hair, do you have long hair? i guess you're american but interested in animes and sports
cute town, you're also pretty much between cute and pokemon that look drk, like ghost pokemon, scary ones. i guess you're the cute ghost gym leader type of person or the odd pokemon type gym leader
why not bugs? simisear? damn, that's quite unique lmao
i like your style, trub is great, blazi is great, not much to say, you have a really diverse style
great object mon. you seem very into not obvious animal pokemon and more into creative monster-object-odd pokemon
interesting choices
i feel like you like reptiles. your choices look like pokemon that can protect you but also being down to earth, not crazy strong looking ones. nice choices
except ferro, pretty comfy johto style, i really love it, i feel like you could've been born in johto, that atmosphere. mid stage like
big ones, you give me my brother vibes, are you around your 30s? nice choices