>A. For compensatory damages for all losses caused by Defendants’ wrongful conduct;
TPCi will have to make a case quanitfying that they lost sales because of the leaks. This will be public record, so that means we'll get to see what they EXPECTED SwSh to do.
>B. For monetary relief, including actual damages and equitable relief due to Defendants’ wrongful conduct pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1836(b)(3)(B)(i) and RCW 19.108.030;
These both state much the same thing: "You owe for the value of the thing you stole". However, the value of the thing physically stolen was only equivalent to the MSRP of the guide itself: $39.99. The latter specifically states that if was wilfully and maliciously stolen, that can be increased to up to 200%: $79.98.
>C. For punitive and exemplary damages pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1836(b)(3)(C);
Same as B.
>D. For reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1836(b)(3)(D) and RCW 19.108.040;
Assuming I've read up on this one properly, this only applies in the case of a bad faith argument. It also can backfire like crazy since the law says that only the "prevailing party" can demand the other side pay up. As long as the defendant(s) don't try to lie or deceive, they can't be forced to pay this.
>E. For permanent injunctive relief to prevent Defendants from making any further use, disclosure or other misappropriation of TPCi’s confidential and trade secret information;
"Stop posting this".
>F. For an award of prejudgment interest and costs of suit to the extent permitted by law; and
TPCi wants interest as well as their basic legal fees covered. This will depend on where the case is carried out, but we'll highball it and assume that TPCi wants to bring a bunch of experts that will verify that damage was done to the brand, and say it's $80,000.
>G. For such other relief as the Court may deem just and proper.
So the subtotal is between $579.98 and $80,159.96, before interest as applicable.