>>41567250Nah I think more people have built in coping mechanisms. Many fans want the game to be good more than they care about the actual quality. When they notice the poor pacing, they'll keep telling themselves well I am meant to go grind raids. When raids are broke they'll tell themselves well pokemon never had good online.
You have fans who see it as a disposable treat, they play a pokemon game every 2-3 years, at best beat the main story and move on. They don't want to hear that Pokemon is bad because it is a comfort blanket. Often they don't know the full argument but also don't really want to so can fall back on well pokemon never did that. Then you have the hardcore copers, usually more serious fans that'll latch onto any little thing and obscure the big pictures. They just want the argument to go away as they find whatever little piece can give them enjoyment. Their arguments are softening the blows of negatives disguised as balance, pushing that the small improvements we got make up for the loses.
The people who are upset are those with real expectations for the series, but even that group has been grinded down into expecting less and less each time. You have to remember that many still defend XY and SM.