>>41585891>>41585931This, you can argue the merit of their arugement, but the facts are clear that either someone violated their NDA to leak the stuff, or outright stole information.
The Pokemon Company, if given the means to do Discovery will get what they want and find who they need. Discord is nothing but a giant datamining operation and 4chan is not really anonymous as they do keep records of IPs and other basic information for a time given how this site needs to keep track of people committing or who have committed crimes.
They're going to be found out and either sued or prosecuted.
And personally, I say good. I never liked leakers in this setting, they're just parasites who are looking for their 15 seconds of fame.
Now if the leaker was doing something noble, like exposing corruption or criminal wrong doing, they'd have something to stand on.
But these people are just attention whores.