LF: Fast ball, other 4-5 iv good natured/ability breedjects, Ha swirlix, Shiny Zigzagoon Clear body dreepy(timid and jolly)Ha seismotoad HA rapidash HA lanturn HA Minccino HA ditto, 0 speed iv ditto other ivs don't matter
FT: 4 to 5 iv good natured breedjects
-HA Level ball gf-arfetch
-HA and non HA Dive ball darumaka (have non-ha penta perfect iv's darumaka in repeat ball as well)
-Dream ball toxel
-Friend ball HA Bold applin
-Love ball HA modest Snom
-Repeat ball Adamant Falinks
-ultra ball Quiet HA pincurchin
-Net ball modest Lapras, egg move Freeze dry
-Premier ball Modest Drampa
-Fast ball modest Turtonator(3-4v) With egg move wide guard
-Premier ball Modest HA drampa
-HA Giga Kingler
-Ha adamant Clobbopus in Repeat ball(3-5 iv)
G.Mr.Mime in pokeball
-Frillish in Dive ball egg move strength sap
-Torkoal in pokeball