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[85 / 6 / ?]

No.41597779 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Apple guy here again.
I got 31 HA Friend Ball Apples to give out. Random Natures, bred with a 6IV Ditto for decent IVs so you can rebreed them easier.

I don't want anything specific, just trashmon will do, but if anyone wants to help me with my dex completion, I'm only missing a few things.
Hitmonchan, Drampa, and Sableye

Just post your code with an IGN and I'll get to you ASAP. If you don't post your IGN and you get sniped, that's on you.

This will prolly be the last one of these that I do. I'm surprised I've even done it 4 times honestly. I'm glad people love the Apple line as much as I do.