>>41635458Regardless of how well or poorly the game sold or continues to sell, we still do not have our national dex.
Nintendo, Gamefreak, and investors will not see “good/bad numbers” and tease from that “it is worth our time and effort to make a compelling story which doesn’t hold your hand, gives you a Battle Tower post-game, has all the previous Pokémon, and includes well-designed, well-balanced new Pokémon without power creep.”
We lost the moment people like you started thinking of this as winning or losing, and we will never get those things again because you think that critics and polls can communicate to Nintendo and their yakuza of the month what would have made the games better, and engage in a collective REEEEE cage match here rather than writing well thought-out letters to Gamefreak thanking them for things they did well before and asking to do again that they could show to their bosses to get approval for more development time.