[86 / 9 / ?]
While I still think it's stupid, I can kind of understand cutting the mons if porting the thousands of models from the 3DS to the switch really is too difficult, especially with how blatantly incompetant Gamefreak is at coding (Multiple Lillie models for each island, every pokemon in SwSh having a separate model for their shiny form) There are 435 pokemon coded into Pokemon Sword and Shield. Their models are all edited from the 3DS to better fit the Switch in high definition, and have whatever new animations they're using for Pokemon Camp. Now that these models are in the game and fixed to work on the switch, why is it necessary to cut a huge chunk of them in the next game (assuming it isn't a 3rd version again). Can't they just port all of these pokemon into the next game since they have existing models that work on the switch?
I don't know anything about 3D modeling and coding, so I'm not sure how easy this is, but if these models are already edited to work on the switch, then why can't the pokemon they've already fixed be reused and ported into the next games as they fix more models until the entire dex is back?
I don't know anything about 3D modeling and coding, so I'm not sure how easy this is, but if these models are already edited to work on the switch, then why can't the pokemon they've already fixed be reused and ported into the next games as they fix more models until the entire dex is back?