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Quoted By: >>41661972 >>41661995
Here’s why Pokémon has been so easy. Kids. Went too my little cousins house for thanksgiving and I brought my switch so I could play with him and my other cousin.(My family is Caribbean so for thanksgiving we just take food from a table and just party). Anyways so he did not even get past the 6th gym simply because this is his 1st game and he just played other things.
>This is problem 1 if a Pokémon game is to hard then a kid is just going put it down and just play other things PS4, Xbox and especially the Tablet/Phone etc.
>Up until gen 5 Pokémon games had a challenge because... welp phones where not so common.
>X and Y where probably just test runs for game freak making games so easy in the future because they knew that if they wanted to bring in new fans that want to play and keep them buying they will have no choice but to make the easier.
>Goal is to reel in the new fans to play so they figured target the kids. That’s why SwSh got 6 million sales in 2 to 3 days game freak knows how to pander to kids.
Playing raids with Chris and Hiram and after we catch the Zweilous they ask if I have any g-Max Pokémon. (Note Chris has had little experience with Pokémon but watch’s the show when it comes on. Hiram just watch’s a lot of YouTube videos on SwSh walkthroughs but he doesn’t have the game yet). Before I even pull up the box I just ask them what g max Pokémon is there favorite. They both had said Charizard
>Problem 2 Pikachu,Charizard,Eevee and Mewoth will get pandered so much you will hate them which has happened to charizard.
Even asked my 46 year old dad who knows almost nothing about Pokémon,if he knew what those Pokémon where. He got ¾ right didn’t know who Eevee was because it’s being pushed as a new mascot and I had to help him with meowth and tell him it was the talking cat in the show which is what most people know mewoth for and part of the reason why Ash and team rocket won’t go away
>This is problem 1 if a Pokémon game is to hard then a kid is just going put it down and just play other things PS4, Xbox and especially the Tablet/Phone etc.
>Up until gen 5 Pokémon games had a challenge because... welp phones where not so common.
>X and Y where probably just test runs for game freak making games so easy in the future because they knew that if they wanted to bring in new fans that want to play and keep them buying they will have no choice but to make the easier.
>Goal is to reel in the new fans to play so they figured target the kids. That’s why SwSh got 6 million sales in 2 to 3 days game freak knows how to pander to kids.
Playing raids with Chris and Hiram and after we catch the Zweilous they ask if I have any g-Max Pokémon. (Note Chris has had little experience with Pokémon but watch’s the show when it comes on. Hiram just watch’s a lot of YouTube videos on SwSh walkthroughs but he doesn’t have the game yet). Before I even pull up the box I just ask them what g max Pokémon is there favorite. They both had said Charizard
>Problem 2 Pikachu,Charizard,Eevee and Mewoth will get pandered so much you will hate them which has happened to charizard.
Even asked my 46 year old dad who knows almost nothing about Pokémon,if he knew what those Pokémon where. He got ¾ right didn’t know who Eevee was because it’s being pushed as a new mascot and I had to help him with meowth and tell him it was the talking cat in the show which is what most people know mewoth for and part of the reason why Ash and team rocket won’t go away