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GIVEAWAY 4: Procrastination Station

No.41668140 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just finished watching the Irishman and since I'm in 0 mood to work on my final exam, I'm going to do yet another giveaway!

Available Pokemon:

>18 4-5IV Adamant Tough Claws Galarian Meowth

>1 5IV Bold Cursed Body Galarian Corsola

>1 4IV Jolly Hustle Galarian Darumaka

>13 3-5IV Jolly Egg Move Eiscues

>138 3-5IV Careful Leech Seed Ferroseeds

>5 4-5IV Careful Keen Eye Egg Move Rookidees

>35 3-5IV Modest Duraludons

>16 3-5IV Timid HA Snoms

I'm not demanding any specific pokemon, but at least one of the following would be highly appreciated

>HA Haze Mareanie (If it's Bold I'll give you an extra Pokemon of your choice

>Mold Breaker Drilbur

>Sticky Web+Recover Blipbug

>Pain Split Koffing

>Any other 4-5IV Mon you have lying around

As always, leave your name, code, and the Pokemon you want