I hate to admit it but in anonymous, who cares. From stigma to stigma, from tummy to shillmon, much like
>>41680423 , charmander was my first. I over leveled the fuck out of him in my first play through of Pokemon FRLG, as a kid this always stuck with me. Had it been emerald that I would have chosen, I imagine treecko would be the same. What can I say, I'm nostalgic for this fucker, my main in smash, and over all good design. It is a shame about the shilling of it though, venusaur is my second favorite kanto starter and he needs love too. I am very dissapointed by the fact that zoomies (90s kids) were some how a vocal majority during gen 5 and thus made gamefreak thought everyone exclusively loved Charizard and gen 1, they even bought into the whole Charizard dragon meme with his X Mega form. Aside from that though, Charizard will unironically forever be a bro.