>>41728809I don’t hate them but they’re probably my least favorite games in the series. They feel incredibly unfinished, even more than X and Y did.
Ballonlea, one of the coolest looking towns in the fucking series, has a grand total of two buildings to explore besides the two buildings every town has. It hurts to think how good this game could’ve been with an extra 6 or so months, it has potential but many of its ideas end up feeling half baked because they ran out of time.
>Pokémon CampCool idea, meh execution. When it all comes together it’s a really cute little side mode but all too often I was left disappointed that there’s really only two toys to play around with and the AI which often led to Pokémon running right into each other which was made even worse by the awful hitboxes.
>Max Raid BattlesThese are actually pretty fun, but I hate how fucking grindy they made it to get HAs and Gigantamax Pokémon, it’s an obvious attempt to artificially lengthen playtime and frankly, I’m happy people found an exploit to speed it up to an almost reasonable pace.
>Dynamax/GigantamaxDynamax is unbalanced and Gigantamax is very poorly implemented as you can’t use it with Pokémon you train during the game, you have to find a specific raid Pokémon.
>Poké JobsI like all the little logos for the jobs and their descriptions, but there really isn’t much here besides that, it feels like a much blander Poképelago once you sink your teeth into it.
>Wild AreaOhhh boy, the fucking Wild Area. This was by far the most advertised gimmick before release as this huge open world area, but in reality it’s a fucking jumbled mess of ideas that Gamefreak stapled onto a barren, and embarrassingly ugly wasteland way too late into development. Don’t even attempt to play it while online otherwise it’ll start to run at a consistent 20-15fps with laggy trainers blipping in and out of existence. It’s fucking unacceptable they OK’d this for release, it’s awful.