Why haven't you bought Sword and Shield yet?
>Buy new games, sales rise, Pokemon becomes more successful than ever
>Success of games puts more pressure on Game Freak; more and more attention is drawn to making Pokemon titles, encouraging them to cut corners and lower quality even further
>No one REALLY cares about Game Freak's other IPs, and sales are proof of this (ex. Little Town Hero); if Pokemon is removed from Game Freak or otherwise dies, Game Freak dies
>Quality degrades even further as Pokemon has to keep adjusting to future consoles and Game Freak needs to make demands meet; quality eventually hits so low that it goes beyond Fallout 76 levels of bad
>Game Freak starts cramming in even more gimmicks in lieu of actually adding substantial content; each new title becomes even more barebones than the last
>Franchise starts to die for real
Buy it now! Embrace accelerationism!