>>41780634>One of the things Ultra did better about Lusamine IMO is making her motives MORE clearerIn SM, she abuses, manipulates, and gaslights her children, dresses Lillie up as a space jellyfish, has a warped vision of "perfection" and "beauty," cryogenically freezes Pokemon to keep them "beautiful," sees others as little more than tools, and actively plays with the lives of people and Pokemon alike to get what she wants, down to gleefully stating outright she's totally willing to kill Nebby if it means getting to Ultra Space. She talks down to others and disregards their feelings and wants in favor of her own. This is all because she lost her husband, and her desire to open Ultra Space and get him back was twisted into one to become one with the jellyfish, and likely encountered Nihilego at some point prior to the story, given her obsession with it in particular, and its venom's stated effects, which is implied by Nihilego's lore.
USUM Lusamine has her dialogue toned down, but they didn't change anything she actually does, causing a ton of plot holes - one of the biggest being Lillie still dressing like Nihilego - and raising an equal number of questions. They had a serviceable story, but cocked it all up in favor of "yet another well-intentioned extremist," failing to realize that you simply can't half-ass a character like this. USUM Lusamine is a nonsensical trainwreck of bad writing. Your taste is shit and your grasp of "clearer" and logic is equally shit.