>>41806880>BestZacian/Zamazenta have great shinies for how much I dislike what's been done to them.
Applin line, love the green apple aesthetic.
Rookidee line. Like the more silver coloring.
-As an honorable mention, the shinies for the fossils are the best part about them. Another mention with the Wooloo line since I like the black sheep aesthetic.
>Worst-Galarian Zigzagoon line. The bright red and blue really looks conflicting.
-Toxtricity. Something about the reddish purple doesn't look right to me. Toxel looks fine however.
-Sizzlipede line. That blue doesn't look that good on it.
-Honorable mentions include the shitty pink on the Sobble line, the poorly implemented blue on the Rolycoly line, and Grimmsnarl as I prefer the blue aesthetic of its pre-evolutions.
>Most low effort-Morpeko looks practically the same.
-Grookey line has no major changes except looking more vomit colored
-Scorbunny line is trying too hard to mimic the Litten line's shinies.
-Cufant line doesn't look much different than its standard colors
-I can't even tell if Stonjourner looks shiny in here or not.
>>41807091Shame, since Gen VI iirc GameFreak has been custom picking out the shiny colors as from Gen V and prior it was a programmed color palette swap which determined shiny colors.