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No.41806982 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mega Rayquaza is a rip off a mech from Gun X Sword.

Salamence is a rip of Devilman.

most of Gen1 pokemon are rip off DQ monsters.

most of Gen 6 ~ 8 pokemon are rip off YoKai watch and Digimon monsters.

Mega Evolution is a rip off Digimon

Gigantamax is rip off of Digimon

Z-moves are rip off DBZ and Naruto shonen attacks

Incineroar is rip off of Madgascar 3's circus Tiger

Rotom is rip off of Yo Kai watch navigation assistant.

Your Gamefreak is nothing but faggots stealing ideas and reintroduce them again to sell low budget games