>Divorce GO from anything related to the proper, mainline games. Maybe have a questionnaire at the start that bricks your console if you say yes to enjoying Go.
>Bring the National Dex back.
>Make 150+ NEW Pokemon, and hard reset the local dex ala Black/White, with some sort of late game cataclysm expanding the dex to around 450 before being a national dex.
>Regional variants would be present but they would be carefully curated after the new mons have been finalized. Types would be missing things that are wholly necessary, and their possible new evos would be designed as the last possible part.
>Bring back proper fossils, and Ancient Power evos.
>Have 4 trios of legendaries. Cover legendaries, Mythicals, a trio found in caves, and a trio that requires the trainer to go deep into areas without available healing to discover them.
>Split the Starter evos into three branching paths. One based on trading, that is powerful at first with shitty stat growths. One based on using an evo stone, that is the "middle" in terms of power, but offers something completely different. The final one is based on happiness, though the happiness value totally resets upon the Pokemon evolving to its second evo, making this much more arduous to obtain. This is the more classic seeming evo, and will be the strongest in terms of stats.
>Be able to choose a Pokemon in your party that follows you.
>Gyms scale and have in-depth challenges.