blunder is funny when he talks shit and gets smacked or when he uploads a vid with ctc because that kid is a gem. he's also actually good which is a plus
itzgator is my semi-obscure nostalgia poketuber since I've been watching him upload rarely since like 2011, he's also an autistic black weeb who's remarkably self aware of all of the above so that's kind of adorable. rages at the game delightfully
>>41839620emvee is lowkey cringe in an endearing way
I want to like pyrotoz but he's just kind of boring despite having a nice voice and using interesting sets, just not that funny a commentator
>>41839555>>41842467pikasprey and johnstone are the best autismals on youtube for pokemon by far
>>41842873jam isn't that funny but he's probably the best player who uploads
>>41843484based gatorchad
the fuck did flynn do to you