You know guys, posting your list is fine but if you don't comment on others then the thread will get really boring. Mine is
>>41839747 btw
>>41839263Feels like you hate gen 1 meta
>>41839363Why psychic so high? the type is boring as shit
>>41839373Looks g-
>Grass F tierInto the trash it goes
>>41839431Good taste save for water not being in D tier
>>41839516Feels like you don't like a lot of the fire starters
>>41839557>"I just know I am going to get flack for my tatses.">Water and fairy S tierYou are practically begging for it
>>41839630I really want to call you a bro but I can't judging where water, grass and electric are.
>>41839668Agreed fuck fairies, also nice taste, would buy a beer.
>>41839675Just from the symbols, you are gay.
>>41839688Blabla water and fairy too high blabla Everything else is fine
>>41839706What's your issue with ice?
>>41839709Let me guess, you like hard-hitting mons that can setup and sweep, right?
>>41839814Fairy is a broken type regardless of the dragon immunity..