>>41875696My favorite Pokemon is Kangaskhan. My darkest secret is my college roommate, a 380 lb evolutionary biology major with a minor in music,had solid blue underwear due to a yeast infection that was constantly plaguing him. He had to use a toilet bowl wand to properly wipe his ass in the tub and needed to douse his crack with a jug of liquid soap so the decaying skin, sweat and crusted shit wouldn't foul every seat he sat on. The toilet bowl cleaner would come out blue like it had been soaked in Lysol. He told me his ass was constantly itching and his asshole was bluer and hairier than Papa Smurf's face.
He went to the doctor to get his yest infection treated because topical OTC antifungals weren't doing the job, not even prescribed clotrimazole. The lab did a culture of his blue underwear, and coincidentally the head microbiologist there was my part time instructor. A day after his visit she brought in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa culture from the same hospital for us to study.
2 days later, we were forced to throw away and immediately autoclave these pseudomonas cultures because the hospital had received word that this variant was resistant to every antibiotic known to mankind, and the department of health had referred to the CDC to quarantine all samples as a potential bioterrorism agent. My roommate's tight, sweaty blue anus had become a popular feasting ground for a colony of superbug P. aeruginosa and he was immediately flown out of my school. He broke lease and never returned to pick up his things, which I ended up selling off when I moved out of the dorm.
I was one room away from contracting blue asspox. Shit sends shivers down my spine to this day.