>>41884741Sorry for the late reply. It's a little too late tonight for me to breed all of that, but I do frequent these boards during normal people hours. I will breed out what you wanted after I wake up though, so if you ever see my name (I_Say) later today or tomorrow, shoot me a reply and we can conduct our trades.
List of stuff I'm interested in on your end: Heavy Klink (HA), Fast Sizzlipede (HA), Love Morpeko, Moon Deino.
Also, I don't know if your list is up to date or anything, but I noticed that you have a few Pokemon in rare balls that lack their HAs, whereas I have them with the HA, but regular balls. If you want to meet in the middle there and do a Balltism for HA trade along those lines, I will list them below:
Meowth-G: My HA cat, for your Heavy Ball cat
Feebas: My HA fish, for your Lure Ball fish
Ralts: My HA (I already have Love Ball covered personally), for your... Moon Litwick I guess?
Feel free to shoot me a reply, I will be online until Fast Ball Pikachu anon is ready.