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[78 / 2 / ?]

Giveaway 6: Jesus Fuck I Have So Many Fucking Eggs

No.41906513 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuck it, since I have absolutely nothing better to do, I'm doing this again
Here's what I got:

>14 4-5IV Adamant Tough Claws Galarian Meowth

>7 3-5IV Jolly Egg Move Eiscues

>131 3-5IV Careful Leech Seed Ferroseeds

>3 4-5IV Careful Keen Eye Egg Move Rookidees

>33 3-5IV Modest Duraludons

>13 3-5IV Timid HA Egg Move Snoms

>25 3-5IV Bold HA Haze Mareanies

>72 3-5IV Jolly Arena Trap Digletts

>58 3-5IV Timid Infiltrator Dreepies

>23 3-5IV Jolly Mimikyus

>42 3-5IV Jolly Swift Swim Arrocudas

>53 3-5IV Jolly HA Drilburs

You don't HAVE to trade me one of the following Pokemon/Items but I'd greatly appreciate it if you did

>HA Toxic Tympole (Absolute most wanted)

>Pain Split Koffing






>Generally hard to find Dex filler mons (Like Dhelmise)

>Power Items

>Battle Tower items in general (Mints and choice items ESPECIALLY)

That being said, if you want a Pokemon, just leave your IGN, code, and the Pokemon you want.