>>41913699He could have simply been referring to usability in general play, not competitive viability, you know. Pokemon like Hitmonchan, Kingler and Sneasel were completely unfun prior to P/S split because their gimmicks or concepts simply didn't work for them
What the fuck is the point of Hitmonchan getting all three elemental punches if they hit like a wet blanket?
What the fuck is the point of Crabhammer when it's special? It's just weaker, less accurate Surf with a crit rate boost. Not to mention running off a fucking 50 Special stat when Kingler has 130 fucking Attack.
And Sneasel had both its STABs being special despite a fucking 35 Special Attack jesus fuck.
The Phys/Spec split was something that actually let Pokemon play out their concepts in a way that actually mechanically works.