The thing to remembr is that Pokemon aren't, never were and never will be mere "animals" like what we have in our world. They're MONSTERS. It's literally in the name. Pocket MONSTERS. It's like a minor death trap. It may be measly and easier to deal with, but it still has DEATH in the name and could kill you if you're a fucking idiot about it.
Pokemon are signifcantly smarter than animals and the majority of them are far beyond humans. They're just really fond of them, except when they aren't. The only communication issue between humans and Pokemon comes from out side because Pokemon can understand human speech of all languages in and outside of battle. You can speak out a question, they'll try to answer back in Pokespeech and most people will be like "Sorry, I don't speak Latin." but that changes over time to more you come to bond with them or even just with being around them long enough since some humans can fully understand Pokemon and even speak their language. Sort of. When neither is the case, gestures and body language is used to speak out or just very blunt actions.
Unless you're a Pikachu. Then, you just become a master impressionist.
In conclusion: Disregad faggots
>>41929742Fuck Pokemon
It's for your own good and theirs as well.