Bring back /ekx/ edition
>What is /ekx/? Thread dedicated to inject/hack official pokemon games, romhacks have their own thread.
This is not a begging thread, It's a request thread.
If you want to become Enlightened, read the following.
>Switch hax Shenanigans There are two ways here:
If you have two consoles, you could hack one and keep another for "online features".
If you wish to use only one console, there will be a higher risk of online ban, meaning it bans your console but not your account, but you can do it, for this it's recommended a high storage microSD card. You will want to run emunand at the begining. Remember you will also need to do everything offline. Follow the tutorials and you wont have a problem. >but I don't have a 3d printer or cannot buy a jig Using aluminium foil paper takes a bit of time to master, but it works, that's the way I do it.
>I hacked switch, what now? If going 2 switch method, using the hacked switch you can jump to next section.
If going 1 switch method, things begin to become complex.
>1 switch method: >Recovering save data to use with pkhex >pkhex.exe Download it here.
otherwise your request could be sniped by someone else.
>ask for help ITT or in >>>/vg/hgb/
>>41959391 It seems to be cold wherever you are, got chicken skin. Or really big pores.
>>41959403 props to you for getting it up.
I was giving my ditto the goldiness, when I saw your post.
>>41959391 I'm going to give you more than just the dittos I hope that's okay.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41959460 My apologies for it taking so long.
Anybody got a mew they can let me borrow. If they do I'll inject anything for you
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41959496 Mew: Level 1
It came from the Poke Ball Plus!
No Ribbons
Based off my Mew from the Pokeball plus. Go nuts, dude.
>>41959483 Sooner or later, you will be asking for random weird stuff for pokemon. Use these requests as your Guinea pigs and master your techniques
>>41959477 Not a problem. I'll have the room up whenever you're ready
>>41959440 Probably just noticeable because I shaved my legs recently and the stubble is coming back
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41959507 I just like wholesome doodles anon, please don't judge me.
That and helping people.
>>41959496 Man, what is the point of giving away injection for a mew, most likely the dude who would give you a mew had it injected in the first place
>>41959522 One of us one of us
Gooble gabble Gooble gabble
Maybe ask for wierd doodling?
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41959534 Not tonight. I'm goign to go hang my head in shame and crawl into bed, and snuggle the crap out of my cat.
I got work in the morning anyhow.
Goodnight folks.
>>41959550 Good night.
>>41959518 I hope you enjoy all the gifts, merry christmas. Don't hesitate to ask me if you need things in the future.
>>41959518 so are you a boy or a girl?
>>41959573 And a merry christmas to you too based Futabanon. I honestly might just hang around here to build up my Futaba folder some more
>>41959587 Girl (Male)
>>41959373 Earvin if you see this, I still have your mandibuzz. I'm about to pass out so either wait for me tomorrow or have another anon inject it for you.
Also, I'll give a free flame orb to whoever replies to this post with their IGN and a link code first.
>>41959597 If you have Discord or something I can just send you mines.
ign: Jelly
Dear Ceralith, He loves his new Ditto, thanks so much again!
>>41959618 Shoot me a request then. Maybe we can chat about card games sometime
Empyhime#2475 Anonymous
>>41959648 Yo can I get in on the discord shit too? I know I already paid for the ditto with feet pics but I'd still be down to duel sometime.
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>>41959502 Thanks g I needed those exact deets
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>>41959636 >>41959667 No problem, enjoy the orb.
>>41959657 Go ahead, shoot your Discord!
>>41959524 Because I need the details to pass the checks in the game when I inject
>>41959683 Bruh...
Do you know that pkhex has a inbuilt mystery gift database? You can spawn mew from there. I spawned mine from that and can use it online...
Will post my nudes for a 6iv African ditto
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Any injectbro that can help me with this? Aeon
Please and thank you if anyone can.
>>41959707 I can do that just post nudes with link code
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>>41959696 That thing has always failed me. So I never relied on it ever.
>>41959682 Hella, my discord is YogurtPatrol. I'm gonna head out for the night, got finals in the morning. Thanks again for everything!
>>41959736 There is no digits... I can't add you.
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>>41959747 Shit sorry, its 3am and Im retarded
ign: Jelly
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I’ve been bamboozled. Tfw no African ditto
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Requesting an adamant Zacian holding the rusted sword. If you're going to make it legit with 3 IVs, choose HP attack and speed please. I'm going to start hosting raids soon, but I don't want to do it without a Zacian. Picked shield like a dope. 1825 4825 6592 Link code 1125
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>>41960962 That didn't really answer my question, anon.
Is she anime?
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>>41960962 How can she be perfection when Ann exists?
So, everyone died? No requests and no inyectobros? No one that is hacking their switch right now?
>>41962421 Yup
These fags made me post lewds for nothing
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ARe the inject bros dead?
>>41963001 I posted hands, fridge, and a bunch of other stuff last night, but some dude who requested 20 fucking Pokemon got all of his requests filled.
Thinking about becoming an injectfag Talk me out of it bros
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Ceralith here. I’m on phone at work but I will be home in about an hour and I can inject
>>41963486 I miss Paco Gerte
>>41963539 I won't talk you out of it. I just hope you don't become one of those weirdos asking to see people's bathtubs and armpits and shit.
There were a couple of really cool injectors on here yesterday morning. Didn't ask for weird shit and took a bunch of requests for basically free. That's how shit was back in X/Y and Su/Mo. What happened since then? Why are all the current injectors either assholes or autists?
>>41963560 >Paco Gerte >A literal dick Why the fuck do you miss him? He basically made people grovel for injectmons and treated everyone like shit.
I'm glad he fucked off.
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>>41963563 Id post my armpit for a perfect African ditto
>>41963576 He did tons of inject requests and only asked for pics. Sucks to suck seeing how you must have not gotten a request filled and are now butthurt over it
>>41963644 Just not a fan of seeing someone get drunk with power and shit on everyone else because of it.
But you go right ahead and keep honing your cock sucking skills for when he comes back. I'm sure he'll appreciate it and make more Pokemon for you.
Oh my, oh my. This thread is in shambles! Oh okay, I guess I'll take inject requests, TWO MAX per person. And provide the pk8 file. And also post a cute picture of Inteleon. Those are my conditions.
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>>41959644 I’m happy to hear that! I snuck on pokerus too in case you guys wanted that. Sorry it took so long last night!
IGN Mimi Code 2307
>>41963563 More or less boredom. The whole injecting process has become tedious and takes much longer than it should nowadays. All and all it's just a pain to go through. Before it used to be so easy but now you gotta trade over to a legit switch and it takes forever. I try not to be too much of an asshole but there's nothing wrong with taking photos.
>>41963678 I've never seen that Paco much but when I did he seemed pretty nice. Just very busy. Time allocation is a huge aspect of injecting.
>>41963817 >More or less boredom Never had anyone actually explain it, but I suppose that makes sense.
>>41963732 IGN and code please.
>>41963761 Can do.
>>41963858 >IGN and code please. IGN WolfDawg
Code 8469
I'll offer up a sinistea
>>41963837 Feels better to have a reason to do tedious things. If it didn't take so much time I'd probably ask for nothing but it's much easier to download the pk8 gen and inject it then trade it over to my legit switch while waiting for hand pics.
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>>41963897 That actually makes a lot of sense.
All this time I just thought you were a fetishist or autist. Sorry about that.
>>41963858 >>41963871 Should I change the code? Haven't been able to connect with you yet.
>>41963882 Got it
>>41963912 Your welcome, I did promise to inject for everyone. It was disheartening though, that no one was interested in the shiny Inteleon giveaway.
>>41963967 This process isn't instant.
Also that's it for requests. If you missed out, I'll be back later.
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>>41963967 Be patient, genning is tedious as fuck this time around
>>41963986 That one involved LAN play, right? Yeah, people are often too dumb to do something as simple as that. Sorry to hear it turn out to be a total bust though
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>>41963986 Quite a few were interested. I just think most weren't doing LAN. You'll gettem next time.
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>>41963986 >This process isn't instant. Oh, sorry.
I thought you were telling me to get online because you were ready. My bad.
Have another Inteleon pic
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
I am home from work, I can try to help with injects for awhile so long as I don't get called back in.
>>41963690 Can you please inject this Zamazenta and Eternatus? I had a Zacian too but I'll just save that for next time.
IGN is Gloria and code will be 8902. Thanks!
>>41964097 Could you do this one please? IGN is Claudia and code is 0423
>>41963837 Either you are silly or plain naive, why else would we ask for wierd shit? Internet is full of Porn already. But hearing a dude with a guitar singing a praise song to anon is totally original and entertaining. Making the tedious job of getting you your stuff less boring.
It's not rocket science, it's logic
>>41964143 >why else would we ask for wierd shit? a) power tripping
b) autism
c) general 4chan culture
d) all of the above
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
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>>41964142 Yup! I'll work on it. Just gimme a derpy doodle of your favorite pokemon. Doesn't have to be fancy, just do your best anon.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964198 I'll work on yours with
>>41964142 's, please be patient folks. I'll let you know when it's ready
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>>41963986 >>41963858 I keep having some Japanese dude try use my code and try to trade me his Shiinotic.
Can you just let me know when the Obstagoon is ready? This guy is being pretty persistent about getting rid of his Shiinotic. He's done this at least 8 times so far. Starting to think he's just fucking with me at this point.
>>41964184 Paco was the only power tripping. I hate that shit. Stupid people who really think can go over anyone's else's heads and miss treat people.
That's why I told him to gtfo. I've dealt with my life dose of power abuse and try to stand up to those tyrants.
I knew there were better injectors.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964198 >>41964215 Don't forget a lovely derpy doodle
>>41964235 >Paco was the only power tripping. He's definitely not. Last night, there were a couple of injectors power tripping pretty hard.
>Take a picture of your sink >Not good enough! Put boxes in the bag! >Still not good enough, open your fridge! >Show your hand in front the fridge! >Do a face reveal with a funny face. Now! Yea, that shit is power tripping. I get asking to see a hand or some weird shit to pass the time. But to keep making people do retarded shit after they've already showed your their ugly ass hands and feet is power tripping.
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Is there an editor to make pk8s on the phone for gen 8 yet? Would like to get a dusklops and conkelldur, can't use pc to make them atm
>>41964174 >>41964097 Any chance you could help me?
>>41964270 Eh, that's not really power tripping. Granted I did inject like 20 mons for one dude and most people who complied with requests got more than they originally asked for because I sent plenty of goodies/vgcmon and random misc shit. All and all it's fun to me
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
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>>41964309 Lemme finish those guys, and if no one gets you before then I'll work on it.
>>41964235 Can't really say it's power tripping. They're taking their time to help people, and they also don't force you to do it. You can just as easily wait for someone that won't make you post a picture of your hands and other various things.
>>41964321 >that's not really power tripping. If that's not power tripping, then I'd sure like to know what you call it. Especially since it seemed random as hell. One dude shows his nasty sink and gets 20+ Pokemon. Other people are taking pictures of hands, singing songs, opening their fridges multiple times, and one black dude took like 6 pictures and didn't get anything aside from you barking orders for more and more asinine pictures.
I mean, I can't fault you for letting that kind of power go to your head; especially if those guys were stupid enough to submit to all your silly requests. But let's not pretend there wasn't even a little bit of power tripping involved.
Is intelanon still here or did we just get trolled?
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964309 Your Dugtrio isn't legal, lemme fix it, then I'll move everything ever for you three guys o trade.
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>>41964352 Not my fight, but it's simple equivalent exchange? I mean if you do something somebody asks, they'll return the favor. It's like having a child do all their homework for time on the tv, do what you're told, get rewarded. Unless you think the injectors time is completely worthless and they're obligated to help anyone just because?
>>41964270 A request for a request. Maybe the face reveal was a bit too much.
The only thing I wasn't OK with was doing the 20 pokemon shit. It took everyone's time out.
But anon. If you don't want to comply to inject dude demands, why don't you inject yourself to yourself and others?
>>41964369 Huh, that's odd. It's legal on pkhex for me. Well, thanks. Maybe mine is outdated or something.
>>41964352 It's not really powertripping though. Powertripping is when you start charging money to genmons. I think the songwriter anon is based though, I laughed hearing it. The porn thread befote this one was a powertrip though that came out of a desire of me wanting to get banned.
>>41964367 Didn't he say he had to go?
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964404 I think mine's being retarded, I double checked and your route is legal so I'm just going to leave it at that, probably need to update mine.
>>41964406 After these three are taken care of I gotta run to the store real quick, and if no one has you by then I'll pop in and help.
>>41964342 Learn to read retard, I was talking about paco and his shit attitude. He may be browsing still or posting with another name, but the attitude he took, an arrogant one, haven't seen it since.
Sink /hand dude just lols and misses his Hawaiian coffee.
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>>41964393 >why don't you inject yourself to yourself and others I put in my time with X/Y and Su/Mo injection threads years ago. I distributed TONS of Pokemon and didn't ask for retarded shit. And don't say "well it was easier in Gen 7", because while that's true, it was pretty tedious in Gen 6 and I did it anyway just being a good Samaritan.
Still, I'd probably be an injector for Gen 8, but I gave my OG switch to my nephew as a gift because his house burned down at few months back and he lost everything.
>>41964198 >>41964264 Thank you! Here have my Tox
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>>41964422 >After these three are taken care of I gotta run to the store real quick, and if no one has you by then I'll pop in and help. Thanks.
I submitted the request to Intelanon like 45 mins ago, but he disappeared.
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>>41964422 It's an error that gives out the newest pkhex. There is a fix with the batch editor but you will need to Google it.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964442 He's beautiful.
>>41964309 >>41964198 >>41964142 Trading over your pokemon to my main switch, I'll be online in a few minutes.
>>41964419 >Powertripping is when you start charging money to genmons. I wouldn't even call that power tripping, since it's charging money for a service. You could say it's price gouging, but not really power tripping.
Power tripping is trying to exert control over others; especially by making them do humiliating and trivial shit, and escalating it more and more and more....which is what you were doing last night.
Whether or not you want to admit it is up to you, but this is an anonymous message board so you may as well own it like Paco does (did?). I'm glad you can at least own the fact that you were power tripping with the whole porn thread, though.
>>41964506 That's powertripping because it can get you banned. This like hand stuff and last night were nothing but filler because I was taken requests of 4+ mons per person.
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>>41964485 Dope, thanks man. and yeah, I've noticed sometimes things I've double checked that are legal will pop up illegal. Usually in particular are moves.
>>41964539 20 was excessive though.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964142 I'm heading online in 1 minute, you here?
>>41964539 >This like hand stuff and last night were nothing but filler because I was taken requests of 4+ mons per person. Yet you did 20+ Pokemon for a dude who only showed a picture of a sink...
Look, you don't have to admit anything if you don't want to. But you have to be somewhat intelligent to have hacked your switch and gotten it to the point where you can inject Pokemon. Therefore, it stands to reason that you're not an idiot and somewhere in your brain, there's an inkling of admittance that you were powertripping with some of the requests last night.
Like I said, I get asking for the odd hand or foot pic to make the time pass. But when you make people take more and more demeaning pictures after they've ALREADY submitted to your inane requests, you start sliding down the slippery slope of going mad with power.
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>>41964577 Yes, I'm still here. Thanks!
>>41964583 On the record. The singing guy got the flame orb mew. I delivered it.
It was a joke request really, didn't think to get that gem of a song so I complied.
>>41964097 Do you think you could help me with these if you aren’t busy or haven’t stopped yet? If you’ll be able to help just lmk so I can reply to you again with my ign and code.
>>41964567 I'll probably start limitting it after that, haha. Maybe 4 per person at most. I don't like seeing big numbers, they make me tired.
>>41964583 Eh, to each their own. Hacking a switch requires 0 Intelligence and only requires a piece of tinfoil. You'd be surprised, it's super dumbed down now. JKSV or literally any save editor backup your save then make another backup you can edit. Boom you're done.
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>>41964607 >It was a joke request really How was anyone supposed to even know that was a joke when requests for tranny feet, hands in fridges, and face reveals were being slung left and right?
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964615 >Eh, to each their own. Hacking a switch requires 0 Intelligence and only requires a piece of tinfoil. You'd be surprised, it's super dumbed down now. JKSV or literally any save editor backup your save then make another backup you can edit. Boom you're done. I'm implying that you're a very intelligent person and you're literally trying to argue with me on that.
Please don't prove me wrong, dude.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964612 If no one's taken it ill work on it when i get back from the store.
It feels like this isn't a fair deal on the injectors end,they get nothing out of this
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>>41964638 That’s sounds good, thank you so much i’ll still be here
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964174 You're up friendo.
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>>41964624 Thank you so much!
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>>41964650 they get a lot of attention out of it, that's all some people want
>>41964650 You shouldn't do good things with the expectation of receiving something out of it.
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>>41964676 Thanks man, really appreciate it.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964612 >>41964406 Alright I gotta run to the store. If no one has you two, as promised when I get back I'll get to work on them. Sorry for the wait.
>>41964174 Is it just me or is it stuck on your Dugtrio for trading?
>>41964686 Using that logic, we should charge money as everyone else does. Here is the only place that only charges you with a picture.
Most of other places make you subscribe, watch their shit stream, or pay in any other way.
This isn't a good thing expecting nothing in return. It's a service saving you trouble
>>>41964722 Yeah, it's stuck idk why.
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>>41964722 >Sorry for the wait. No need to apologize! I'll be here for another 2 hours, so hopefully I'll still be around when you get back.
Looking forward to the obstagoon!
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41964733 We'll redo it, server fuckery maybe.
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I cancelled, hopefully it works this time
>>41964722 Anonymous
>>41964728 Then go charge people and stop whining on the thread.
>>41964728 There's a difference between asking someone to take a random pictures, and going overboard to making someone your bitch.
I think some injectors have problems distinguishing between the two.
>>41964097 Could you help with mine, the guy with the inteleon never traded these to me. I would appreciate it, thanks.
>>41964753 Why should I go if I can get people do stuff in exchange of their digital monster?
I'll complain and whine all I want.
>>41964632 Trust me, this takes no intelligence. Let me prove you wrong, I'll walk you through hacking your switch step by step. All you need is a paperclip or a piece of tinfoil and working joycons. It's literally the easiest thing possible, anon. Trust me, I'd rather not disappoint and be honest with you.
>>41964760 Lmao
>>41964728 I mean you're not wrong. Offering a service is totally fine, I do it because it's kinda fun. At the sametime, I could just not do it and have about the same amount of fun.
>>41964787 I think Intelleon was accidental LAN again.
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>>41964742 Thanks man. Hope the store ain't too crowded.
>>41964787 What's your ign and link code?
>>41964810 kyleanator and 2094
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>>41964722 No problem no need for the apology I can wait.
>>41964838 I'll do this because you complied to his inteleon request. Just give me like 5-7 minutes. Might want to setup the link code in that time
>>41964798 You sound like a child. You still have to be 18 to be in the website despite the fact this is a sfw board.
>>41964806 >Let me prove you wrong, I'll walk you through hacking your switch step by step. All you need is a paperclip or a piece of tinfoil and working joycons. It's literally the easiest thing possible, anon I've hacked almost all my systems and jail broken almost all my electronics. I know it's not rocket science. I've always heard it was complex to hack a switch, so I never bothered since I was paranoid about getting the ban hammer from the big N.
I can't hack my switch now though, because like I said earlier, I gave my OG switch to my 8 year old nephew because his house burned down a few months ago and he lost everything. I only have a switch lite, and if I hack it, I won't be able to go online without getting my account banned.
>>41964866 Thank you so much. If it is possible (not forcing you), can you help me with these two? If you can't. that's fine.
>>41964866 Can you help me with my request too? I also complied to Intelanon's request and got stood up.
>>41963732 Anonymous
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>>41964910 Yeah, it was never that complex. It's a fucking retardedly easy process. I wouldn't believe those who tell you it's complicated because it really isn't. I wish it was harder, but the truth is it isn't. Back to the topic, it's really not complex at all and easier to hack than the 3ds. I hacked mines back in august of 2018 and haven't had any issues either.
>>41964922 >>41964927 I am terribly sorry
>>41964869 Has informed me I should leave. So will only do the eggs request.
>>41964922 Dude read the op and come back. Thanks
Wolfdawg is your ign right? Will do.
Now wait me 5 other minutes
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>>41964951 >Has informed me I should leave. So will only do the eggs request. Why do you care what some moron who can't inject thinks? If you give in to his stupidity, you're letting him win.
Ignore him dude. It's just like my dad says; empty wagons make the most noise.
>>41964951 If your still doing the egg give away a think mine is still a possibility?
I was
>>41963967 Anonymous
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>>41964995 >I was >>41963967 (You) Yea, no. Stop lying.
>>41964984 my IGN is kyleanator, the code is 2094, and that is part of my request. Thank you again
>>41965041 Doing this guy.
Next up is obstagoon.
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>>41964984 >WolfDawg is your IGN No, I'm
>>41963732 I asked for the Obstagoon.
>>41965059 >Next up is obstagoon. Thanks,
My IGN is WolfDawg.
Code is going to be 8469
I'll offer up a sinistea. Let me know when you're ready, and I greatly appreciate the Obstagoon!
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>>41964866 Do you think there is a chance you could do mine aswell? If it isn’t much asking you I asked the intelleon guy but he never delivered. My ign is: *+:)
The code is: 6583
I hope I don’t sound rude either.
Hey, how long are you going to do this?
>>41965113 Welp, had to go right now. Maybe the other dude will get you the obstagoon? Sorry.
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>>41965203 >Welp, had to go right now. Damn, foiled again.
Okay man, hopefully I can get another injector to help me out. Appreciate the effort.
>>41965170 Probably all day.
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>>41964664 last bump before sleep
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Would any injector be willing to do these two request for me? If you can just reply to me so I can post my code and ign
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
I'm back from the store!
>>41965113 You still need yours done?
>>41965259 >Probably all day. But you've literally done nothing except argue with some anon about how you don't power trip.
>>41965281 >You still need yours done? Yes please!
Been after this Obstagoon for a while dude. That was a quick run to the store.
>>41965284 I also argued about how I'm not intelligent. Your point is?
>>41965297 >Your point is? You just proved it.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965295 Store isn't too far from where I live, thankfully. Worst part is the traffic.
>>41964406 This one right?
>>41965309 >This one right? Yep! I definitely appreciate it.
>>41965281 I'd like this one please ign Roberto, I'll set the code to 1074. Thanks in advance, you're awesome!
>>41965308 Nothing has caught my fancy as far as injecting has gone. There is no point if it's proven!
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>>41965349 >There is no point if it's proven! I don't think you know how that works...
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965332 >>41965337 Alright, I'll work on them. My thing is: You don't have to, but if you want to give back toss me a quick doodle of your favorite pokemon. It doesn't have to be amazing or fancy, it can even be a blob/stick figure in the rough shape of the pokemon!
You don't have to draw it though.
>>41965281 do you think you could still do mine aswell?
I was
>>41964612 my requests were
hopefully that's okay
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965373 I suck at drawing, but I'll give it a try. It'll give me something to do while you make the Obstagoon, though!
>>41965400 Thank you so much, been really trying to get them
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965524 What a cute Shuckle <3
>>41965514 Alright thank you again (I’m the one who wants the two eggs)
My ign: *+:)
Code: 6372
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965113 Heading to get online, you're up first.
>>41965540 I suck at it, sorry Meowth
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>>41965514 Almost done with my sketch dude!
>>41965540 I just found out I can't use my shiny Grimmsnarl in VGC because it's gmax, any chance you could help me?
Also a horrible drawing of Grimmsnarl for payment for earlier. Aeon
Thanks if you can.
>>41965579 Thanks!
Obstagoon guy here
Ign wolfdawg
Code 8469
Heres my sketch. I suck at drawing. Supposed to be charizard and sabrina
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>>41965621 >>41965579 Thanks for the Obstagoon! Hope you liked my charizard sketch!
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965596 I don't know what you're talking about, that is a handsome Meowth! Don't be so hard on yourself with your art anon.
>>41965621 That is absolutely precious.
>>41965337 You're up!
>>41965620 Let me finish trading with these guys and I'll have a looksie.
And he's not horrible! Just in a grumpy mood. Hug that Grimmsnarl.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965570 I'm ready to trade.
>>41965654 Thanks for the zamazenta! Have a pic of my kitty
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>>41965654 >That is absolutely precious. You're too kind anon.
Thanks for everything. Hope you have a great day.
>>41965673 Based inject friend, question i'm sick and tired of hatching eggs, can i give you one of my HA hats and have you shiny it for me?
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
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>>41965685 That is a precious Siamese kitty! I had one when I was younger.
>>41965654 He seems happier after the hug.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965695 I still breed for my shinies, and I'd like to say for you to keep at it! It's rough I know, I've been there with shitty 2k+ egg runs. But you can do it.
>>41965710 Awww. Headin to work on yours.
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>>41965731 Was worth a shot thanks anyway
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
Anyone else needing an inject while I've got PKhex open?
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965949 I just closed out to trade over some pokemon, I'm taking a break after these four. Sorry friend, maybe another injector will come around.
>>41965909 >>41965710 Trading the pokemon over, will be online soon.
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>>41965994 Not a problem, thanks for your work
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41965909 1216
>>41965710 4256
Heading online
>>41966138 Aight, thanks man.
>>41966138 searching.. thanks in advance
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41966149 Said there was a problem with the chinchou
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>>41966171 Yikes, why does it keep freezing. Let me restart my switch
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41966158 About to trade with you, sorry for the wait.
Oh nevermind, it traded right as I was about to restart. Lol. Thanks a lot man.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41966231 Are u going to stop now?
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41966271 Yea, im searching again with same code.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
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>>41966274 Yea I'm taking a break for awhile, sorry.
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>>41966278 Thank you so much
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Hmm? Got a warning for avatarfagging.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
Had a small nap and feel a bit better, getting ready to raid on Classic tonight after after that I'll do some more injections.
>>41968794 You're a treasure to these threads dude. Glad you had a good nap.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41968826 D: I've only been in here since last night though.
IGN John
>>41968794 I added you anon just so we can hopefully trade in future I hope you slept well!
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
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>>41968883 Sure thing. And thanks! I had my cat snuggled up with me so really comfy.
>>41968794 Anon are you up for some injecting? can i send you a bunch of pk8 files?
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41968955 I will be later tonight, but that's hours for now, im mostly chilling here while prepping for the raid. Gotta heal dumb people. If no one gets you by the time I'm done with raid I'll do it.
>>41968984 i'm posting the files, it's 1AM here, so i'll wait a little longer here.
If we don't meet by any chance, my IGN is Embow, i'm here at GMT+1 time
>>41968984 Sent u a friend request, hope u don't mind
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41969080 Sure thing!
>>41969065 All else fails I'll get them prepped tonight, so if I see you I'll throw them at you.
>>41969097 just asking, for how many mons can we ask you per post? I need a few gmax ones but don't wanna be rude and ask for like 6 mons in one post
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41969196 Six is fine, but not much more than that.
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>>41969302 >>41969220 oops, didn't see this. just remove gastrodon and pichu, so I stay in the six limit!
IGN John
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>>41969302 Here I mentioned that I added you earler, my switch name is Catalyst, I only want one pokemon if thats fine I understand that youre in a Classic raid and teammates can be ass so yeah take your time
>>41968844 You've been here one night and you're already better than the majority of injectors who frequent these threads.
Most have let the power of hacking go to their heads. You seem like a pretty down to earth person who's just interested in helping.
That alone makes you a treasure to these threads. I was literally about to give up hope on the Gen 8 hacking scene.
[ ]
>>41969302 is it alright if i ask for 6 eggs?
>>41969302 i added u earlier too
btw i would love you if u could do this one when u have some free time, thanks anyways Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41969474 That's fine.
Sorry If I respond slow folks, we're doing a pre-raid UBRS run before doing ony and mc.
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>>41969302 Could I get a female Love Ball Modest Pixilate Sylveon 236 HP 252 SpA 20 Speed?
Also a male Lure Ball Brave Adaptability Crawdaunt 252 HP 252 Atk?
Thanks either way anon!
Does anyone know how to make a square shiny instead of a star one with pkhex? Is it even possible?
>>41969663 shift click when applying the shiny
[ ]
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
Oh jeez, there's a lot building up. If no one comes in and does some injecting I'll at least try to prep some of them during breaks in raid. It'll be awhile before I can trade , though.
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>>41969528 >>41969833 U can jump me if u want, i don't mind
Maybe u'll do it another time
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>>41969833 sent you a friend rq on the switch! if you could inject these for me and then trade tomorrow or later when you're free i'd be very grateful ign is Val, also i'll be leaving soon so probably it's better if you take care of other anons now and trade with me tomorrow
thanks in advance!
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>>41963644 I got a ditto from that fuck nigga so seethe harder
>>41969833 Yeah, surprised no injectors are showing up tonight. It's a Tuesday, so you can't really blame em.
>>41970159 What are you in the mood for today, handfutabajunksinkanon?
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>>41969833 I have 2 requests, if you still have time. I'll also send a friend request if it's okay. Account name is Squeeps, IGN is Maya. Thanks!
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It’s been years and I still have not received my perfect African ditto despite posting my ass ITT
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
Ony down, We heading to MC. I'll be in there for about 1 1/2-2 hours then I'll finally be able to start injecting, sorry for everyone who's waiting.
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>>41971047 No need to apologize, have fun in there
IGN John
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>>41971047 It's fine, take it at your own pace anon, I know a friend that plays Classic and he wants to shoot himself every time he does
>>41969392 Hack yourself then nigger. Shiting on the other injectors will kill their mood. Guess what. There are no injectors here anyway because ungrateful bastards like you. Why should we waste our time if you guys will just jump the poor wowfag begging.
Fucking begging general
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>>41971616 Here’s Your (You)
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
>>41971616 >>41969392 I had no intention of coming into this thread and causing drama. I'm sorry it's done so, if this is going to be a problem I can back out and let others deal with it. Sorry folks.
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>>41971982 No it’s fine, you’re helping out a lot of people and we really appreciate it
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>>41971982 So are you not injecting anymore?
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>>41971616 Go jerk off to the pictures of hands and refrigerators you've been hoarding, autist.
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>>41971982 Are you new? This is the way its always been.
Greedy jews come in begging for shit and people who think they are the next messiah handing crumbs to the peasants.
I miss good ol' /gag/.
>Some dude tries to help >people praise him /her >demeriting the others. >dude helping decides to back off. Way to go guys. You killed it for the night.
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>>41971982 You are genuinely a nice dude. Maybe to nice. The hero we need but don't deserve. Good luck on your raids.
Ceralith sw 7721-7516-0123
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>>41972494 Then learn to fucking inject yourself you useless piece of shit. People cant be spending their valuable time catering to your every whim .
Get a tripcode or this will happen Anonymous
>>41972494 >demeriting the others. autistic. The only other injector who isn't an ass is snow, oh and Genn too.
All the others get off on the power injecting gives them. Sure they grant requests, but at what cost? Forcing people to demean themselves, talking down to them, etc?
Meanwhile people like Snow, Genn, and Ceralith are genuinely good people and should be acknowledged as such. It's only "demeriting" the other genners because they're legit assholes and autists.
>>41971982 Eh, no one actually cares for drama. Bootlickers in these threads will drop all the others for just getting their injections. It's all meaningless at the end of the day. Anons are just that greedy
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>>41972572 >Eh, no one actually cares for drama Its the drama that makes these threads fun. Injectors split into factions waging holy war against the other.
Anons take a shit all over one guy because he didnt make his 6 iv shiny tyranitar female like he stated.
And on the good episode /wfg/ stops by to tear everyone a new asshole.
>>41972567 You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
>>41972572 In the end of the day, these beggars will do your bidding. For a pokemon.
>>41972796 >feet pics >random pokemon requests They are still coming out ahead. Ask the jews for their dick shafts time stamped if you want them to pay something.
>>41972770 Prove me wrong then.
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>>41972845 Please, be my guest
>beg for shinies and perfect Gmax Pokemon for weeks >deal with ridiculous requests like hand pics, ear pics, and even stuffing random shit under my sink just to get the Pokemon I want >finally get everything I really want >can finally shit up an injection thread and tell all the power hungry injectfags to go fuck themselves >everything up in flames for everyone else but I don't give a shit Haha! Fuck all you guys. I'm content getting my shinies and raremons from giveaways now!
>>41972934 I'm just fueling the thread with rage because there are no beggars and no injectors around.
>>41972867 Like this person who uses autist as insult. I find him amusing.
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>>41972934 You tell em. The injectors think they are spreading joy and helping out the world, but all they want is to fill their own egos.
If they were truly out to make a difference they'd be helping out a soup kitchen not playing god on a tibetan basket weaving forum.
Also Ceralith sounds like he'd like BBC. Hit me up if you're interested.
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i would like porkymans pls ty
Ign Terran
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Anyone have any spare 6iv dittos?
>>41972987 I'll be home soon taking injection requests.
>>41973117 I'll probably be asleep. I would love to see more socks hands sinks fridges, vocaroo, shoe on head requests.
And to the beggars, op has the needed info to hack switch. So stop whining about power trip. At least he is not calling everyone a retarded piece of human filth like paco used to.
BTW snow is kill. He said couple threads ago that he got bored of the game.
[ ]
>>41973117 would 6 eggs be alright?
>>41973260 Totally understandable. I just got home and just feel like sleeping already. It's not unreasonable to lose interest especially with how the meta is.
>>41973272 Neat. What is the Braviary like? Is it the tailwind set? Bless Amerigabirb
>>41973333 Are you the same asshole who requested 20 fucking pokemon last night???
What the fuck happened to /ekx/? It used to be so fucking simple and now all of you fuckers just ruined it. At this point none of you fuckers are here for giveaways aren't you?
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>>41973357 I remember when X/Y and ORAS had respective giveaway generals. I miss when that was a thing. The issue with this game is less genners exist and the process is a tad more tedious so giveaways become more rare.
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>>41973352 Yes, that is.
>>41973333 >6 eggs Uh, random eggs?
>>41973382 Same
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>>41973352 it as 17. and thats what injectors are here for, to give out pokemon. so shut up and let them do their jobs.
[ ]
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>>41973349 It's figy berry 252atk 252 spd
brave bird
close combat(might exchange for rock slide later on depending on how it fairs)
Paco Gerte !!rSNN6DoWpkq
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Paco Gerte !!rSNN6DoWpkq
>>41964424 If youre referring to telling anons to stop making threads without injectors it was because it wasted peoples time and requests. I've been chillin on a trip because a trip is really only needed for shitty giveaways. Fulfilling other shit doesnt need karma. So you can get off yer high horse and fulfill requests like other givers faggot
[ ]
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>>41973498 haha that'd be funny.
R-right anon?
>>41973494 >anon says paco is a shit head >paco gets butt hurt and gives shit head response gee, you really showed him...
>>41973528 >pretending youre not same anon who got called out *tips fedora*
>>41973494 so then youre fulfilling requests faggot?
Paco Gerte !!rSNN6DoWpkq
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>>41973548 Sure, as long as you aren't overjewing like 20 egg fag
>>41973548 i mean i could just screen shot the posts but you'd just call shoope like the little faggot you are
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>>41973117 May I have a Mew and a 6iv Ditto? Plz
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>>41973566 >omg paco is such a butthurt faggot >acts like a butthurt faggot have you actually ever injected on this thread? or are you a wfg fag here to disrupt ekx
ign Maya
>>41973117 if you could help me out with this one I'd really appreciate it
IGN: Danny
code: 3069
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>>41973605 No fuck your worthless bede fetish.
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>>41973605 Kill yourself mouse
>>41973615 Not gen 7 worthless negro
>>41973349 Will you be doing ? If not it's fine, asking so i know if i need to wait around for another injector
>>41973615 >>41973639 looks like I fucked up then, I was just following what the pastebin said
IGN John
All I ask is for this, and then other people add like two whole teams and I miss my chance so if anyone can help out with it ty, Anonymous
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>>41973260 >paco called people worthless lmao what?
>>41973642 Slowdown, mate. I have other things to do before I turn on my computer like brushing my braces and sweeping up my room and doing my dailies in gacha.
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>>41973735 No rush, just wasn't sure if you were down
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>>41973657 since qr injections are dead, do I save it as a pkm file?
Anyone have a mew or 6 IV ditto they would be willing to give? I have been looking for a couple weeks when I am not working/sleeping.
>>41959373 >>41973117 >>41973735 let's try this again, any injector that can help me I'd really appreciate it!
IGN: Danny
3069 Anonymous
>>41973894 Where are you right this moment? This is important to rather or not I want to fulfill your request.
>>41973894 you won't get that here, go to wifi general.
>>41973659 I'm assuming you're not here since you didn't respond, but I have your Alcremie.
>>41973829 Rylus
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>>41973920 I am at home right now if that is what you mean. plz help me out. I really want to start breeding some mons so I can play online with everyone else.
Is it possible to get a shiny Zacian and Zamazenta? I know they're shiny locked so they wouldn't be legal, but they're pretty.
IGN John
>>41973939 Oh sorry, i'll join now
>>41973921 Those threads say no hacks and the only people that have extra mews/6 iv dittos are people that can inject mons.
I have two Switches and one has homebrew. Was gonna try and inject and swap over things that way but they can't find each other locally for some reason. Anyone have a clue why that would be? We see each other on the overworld but can't connect for trades. Always feel so retarded with these things. All I wanted was to inject a single Shiny Phantump but might just have to go back to my 20+ boxes and keep breeding.
IGN John
>>41973939 It says there is a problem with trading it, could it be the item?
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>>41973990 Figured out the problem, it's because you have star sweet on it, hold on
>>41973993 Are you new? /wfg/ gives out legit shiny 6 iv dittos like every other day.
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>>41973920 Oh I am in Utah, USA if that is what your asking. I dunno if location matters or not for trading.
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>>41974013 Oh...I never bothered looking into that thread before.
IGN John
>>41974025 Thank you so much cera, you saved a lot of time for me <3
But I am genuinely curious, how did your raid go?
>>41974041 Went through UBrs -> Ony -> Full MC clear to Rag. I got new pants.
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If there's any injectors around, would love this pokemon. IGN is Zein
IGN John
>>41974058 Congrats, I know pants are hard to find and such so I guess it was worth it, right?
>>41974085 Yea. Means we won't be raiding thursday though, so I guess I'll drag people through DM West to try and get my Big Bag of Enchanting pattern.
>>41973998 You need to post the same code. Gen 8 has shitty local.
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>>41974134 That's what I mean we post the same code and it just never finds each other. It's really fucking weird.
[ ]
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any injectors want to make me eggs
IGN John
>>41974114 The pants seem nutty, good luck on getting the bag pattern
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>>41974153 Thanks. Just gotta wait for Black Wing Lair to open up for 3+ set bonus for that extra mana regen.
Or for us, Darkwing Lair. Because someone called it Darkwing Duck Lair while drunk in raid last week.
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>>41973639 >>41973615 >>41973626 >ppl not knowing you can import those qr codes as pk8 into pkhex Anonymous
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Is it possible for an injectbro to help me out? IGN: Hilda
Code: 5447
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OK so I have a hacked switch with emunand and the whole deal. What I've been doing to inject is:>power off from stock sysnand >inject hekate >launch cfw (sysnand) >use checkpoint to back up save >power off >put sd card into pc >edit save with pkhex >put sd back into switch >hekate >load cfw (sysnand) >recover edited save with checkpoint >reboot to payload >load stock (sysnand) >play with edited save The method in the pastebin in the OP looks faster, so I tried that, but I don't see a file named "0000000000000034" in the save folder. Anyone have any idea why or if it could be a different file? pic related is my save folder
Time to open requests. I'll be taking armpits, mid body hair shave pics and teeth brushing. A surprise mystery giveaway tomorrow. as well. On another note if anyone has some decent rap skill I require assistance on a shitty student project.
>>41974600 This do anything for you?
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>>41973963 Through lanplay, yes
>>41974816 Sure, let me just finsih trading these six eggs.
Make the room
>>41974711 []
>>41974834 ign: midori
code: 2898
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>>41974834 thanks for the help again anon
>>41974843 You're welcome. Slow night time. Next time however don't make it 6+, I'm capping it to 4.
>>41974914 gucci with that, just needed the last few mons for my team. after this it's just getting shiny galar mons for the dex but i'll do that slowly over time
>>41974921 >tfw anon probably jumped ship to finish shaving This waiting game, haha.
>>41974942 nah, i try to keep it shaved since im always moving at work and would rather not smell
>>41974967 I'm not talking about you, I'm referring to bald leg anon.
>>41974970 Imagine having enough time in your day to debate when you can masturbate.
>>41974816 >>41974978 the more i look, the more i think i need to get that bump checked lmfao
>>41974986 Looks like a spider bite of the sorts. I wouldn't bother. Clean your room upa bit while I finish injecting though.
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>>41975007 the one up on my shin, i meant, been there 5ever
>>41974986 Host and post name and info I'll be done shortly. Also make a new thread if you can.
>>41975042 >>41975039 I'm ready and waiting, whenever.