>>41980544Making a game who is really a E game for everyone.
I would first fix competitive by removing it from the games and makes home into an actual game mixing competitive leader boards and customizations with update to actually buff or nerf some pokemons without breaking the single-player adventures
The game itself while also work like pokebank
Has minigames and battles series like how the stadium games do connected to the online to compete with the world
A camp/amie enhanced version working like pokemon ranch who will help your Pokémon breed/pet/ train like never before
Having a poke park like in Gen 4 like the wild aera to find new items
Now that such things are out of the way.
The single player can break it and become a real advancements.
A game who will break really the formula
The world building of pokemon proven multiple time that other story works wonderfully throught games like ranger or PMD
No more gyms or obligatory bad team with their goons or rivals
Everything is now possible
I wouldn't change a lot out of the Pokemon themselves except new QoL improvements
I would imply more the trainers into the world, like how rangers, the player can be attacked by hostile wild pokemons, or just make it into a monster hunter style where the trainer run, roll and dodge before iniating the rpg part
The world itself will no be longer be road but be like an ope-
You know what I mean, not Skyrim like, you can make semi open, kinda like how slime ranchers did.
Lot of options, secrets to discovers new locations and rare pokemons
And finally lot of options, from an official nuzlocke mode, difficulty settings, and DLC/Postgame who gives more adventure for more expiremented players just like how splatoon did with the octo expansion DLC