>>41983849For gen 1: pidgey line, paras line, legendary birds, dratini line, aerodactyl, tentacruel, primeape, and exeggcute line all looked better as betas (backsprites as well). Machop and female pinsir are disturbing though. This was the only gen where I thought a lot of them looked better as betas.
For gen 2: crobat, wobbuffet, ursaring, skarmory, donphan, and houndoom all look better. Steelix is absolutely BASED. What the actual fuck is going on with female slowking, female tyranitar, female noctowl, lugia, and ho-oh though.
For gen 3: only exploud and lairon look better imo, but holy god do those females suck. ESPECIALLY the starters good fucking lord. This gen easily had the worst betas.